What events will be at CarolinaCon?
CarolinaCon usually features educational talks, demos, workshops, hacking challenges, and other in person events. This year, for CarolinCon Online, we are placing a much larger emphasis on our CTF and our livestreamed educational talks as those events translate well to an online format.
What happened to Carolinacon 16?
Unfortunately, we had to cancel CarolinCon 16 on short notice because COVID-19 made mass gatherings too risky. After canceling CarolinCon 16 we started planning for CarolinaCon Online, which is to be held in April of 2021. We plan to host CarolinaCon 16 in person when it is safe to do so.
Wait, normally you charge for admission. How can you afford to run the con online this year without charging money?
Because we are an all volunteer staff, our main costs for the con revolve around fees paid to the hotel for hosting. With an online con our costs are greatly reduced and we can run this con from saved funds and donations.
Can my company sponsor CarolinaCon?
We don't accept any, so don't bother asking. Capitalism and philanthropic knowledge-sharing don't mix in our opinion. When the con is held in person we keep our admission price to the bare minimum to cover our venue and equipment expenses. All of our staff are volunteers who generously donate their time and energy. All of our presenters generously donate their time and talent. This year we are selling a merch bundle to get a shirt, electronic badge, and sticker, but this is really only because people want them as these sales rarely make money.
What about donating to CarolinaCon?
Well that's a different story. We will gladly accept donations from anyone who wants to contribute. At CarolinaCon, we pride ourselves on not charging a lot for admission so we don't have a lot to spend on giveaways (we manage though). We can always use prizes for Hacker Trivia and various other contests that we run so if you want to donate an actual prize, rather than cash, just let us know by sending an email to: info (at) carolinacon.org