This is a static archive of the CarolinaCon 2009 website. Some features may not work. Visit for the current website.
CarolinaCon | Location

The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on March 13-14, 2009.

Reservations must be made by March ##th to get a CarolinaCon discount rate.

Holiday Inn Chapel Hill, 1301 N. Fordham Blvd, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

For Hotel Reservations: call the Holiday Inn in Chapel Hill at 1-888-452-5765 (or 1-866-232-3278) and tell them you want the Carolinacon Group conference rate.

Reserve your room checking in on 3-13 and departing on 3-14 (for those staying Friday and Saturday nights).

The conference rate we have secured is $89.95 per night.

Under the group rate you will have a room choice for either one king bed or two double beds (while they last).


Printable Mad Texty Directions File: HERE