CarolinaCon Online 2021 is over!
We would like to thank this years speakers for their amazing talks, along with everyone who came out and participated in the CTF and watched the livestreams! The team has learned quite a lot this year, and hope you did too. We not only learned how to run a conference online, but also took on running an internet wide CTF.
We hope to see you next year!
The CTF source is now public!
Did you get stumped by any challenge? Want to know how things were done? Check out the now public git repo of the CTF challenges
The merch bundle is now closed!
We have begun the process of bulk ordering all of the shirts and badge supplies. We hope to have the bundle shipped out to you soon. Follow us on twitter for progress updates. Thank you for supporting the conference!
The CTF is over!
Congrats to the winning teams:
- Securisec
- TriaxiomSec
- LeagueOfShadows
If you have not already, we need 1 person from each team to reach out to an admin/operator here or in DMs to figure out how to get you your prizes.
Streaming links!
We will be streaming on YouTube and comments will be on discord.
Talk on discord!
Watch the talks on
CTF sighnups are now live!
Head on over to https://ctf.carolinacon.org/ to signup! Open to all skill levels! Don't forget to join us in the #CTF channel.
The Schedule is now live!
Hop on over and check out the published schedule. A lot of really talented chefs have prepared some stand out talks this year!
Workshop Announcement!
@7aSecurity will be offering a workshop titled "Practical Mobile app attacks by Example" April 23, 2021 at 9 am EST. The workshop will be presented on zoom. If you would like to attend, please sign up here.
The merch bundle is now live!
The bundle comes with a CarolinaCon Online T-shirt, a kit with all the parts needed to make this year's badge, and a CarolinaCon Online sticker! See the Ebay listing for more information and photos. Ebay store
The Discord is now open!
Feel free to drop in early and chat. The Discord
Call for papers is closed!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted a talk this year!
If you submitted a talk to us, and did not receive an email, please reach out via Twitter.