3301 Wake Forest Rd
Raleigh, NC 27608
Use the address above to mapquest the hotel, the address listed on their site is an office location of some sort.
The block of rooms we've reserved (TCB suites) have either (A) two doubles or (B) one king bed…and both kinds will also have a pull-out sleeper sofa. They are all $75 a night (IF reserved through us). Also for the first 20 reservations (again, made through us), the $15 (cheap) CarolinaCon admission fee will be waived.
Just drop a note to reservations@carolinacon.org, with your real name, address, e-mail contact, and some phone number the hotel can reach you at later (to confirm your reservation as needed).
Your personal information will only be shared between two of the Con organizers and the hotel itself, and ONLY for the purposes of securing your reservation. CarolinaCon staff will NOT ask you for credit card or other financial type information.
On that note, the $15 CarolinaCon "admission fee" must be paid in cash or by secured check. Personal checks and/or credit cards will not be accepted this year. The hotel itself will accept all usual forms of payment for its rooms. The first 20 people (and only the first 20 people) to register a room through the conference will have their conference admission fee waived.AmeriSuite basics...
- Free Bountiful Breakfast Buffet™ (which includes hot/cooked breakfast items)
- Guest Laundry Facilities/valet services, Fitness Center (albeit a small one)
- Free Outdoor Parking (and plenty of it)
- Heated Outdoor Pool
- Mini-kitchen with refrigerator and microwave (in EVERY room)
- In-room Coffee maker with coffee
- cable TV/VCP
- voice-mail service
- High Speed Internet Access (extra fee)
- free nights and airline miles with Prime Rewards™
- iron/ironing board in room
- hair dryer in room
- free USA Today
In addition, the TCB Suites® ammenities include, besides everything above...
- two-line speaker phones with dataports
- snacks
- oversized executive desk
- side desk return on wheels that adjusts to left or right handed working needs
- Smart Lamp with additional receptacles for office electronics
- office supplies
- an upholstered executive chair
- oversized leisure chair and ottoman
- two double beds OR one king bed (both with an additional sleeper sofa)
For more information just send us an e-mail.