College of Hacking: Successful Network Penetration for Dummies

Vic Vandal

Yes folks for the first (and last) time ever, you can attend Vic Vandal’s “College of Hacking” at CarolinaCon for no additional cost (except your precious time…well precious for some anyway). Prepare for your new career in this fast-growing hi-tech field in under 2 hours, and walk away with an actual diploma afterward. Just imagine the look on your friends’ faces when they learn that you are a degree-holding hacker! As a College of Hacking graduate, you’ll be smug in the knowledge that no corporate computer system is safe from your talents. In fact Vic guarantees it, or he’ll personally give you your course fees back. All you require is attendance and at least the intelligence level of your average primate. And if you have the intelligence level of your average human, so much the better. Just think, you’ll be able to sleep late and never have to worry about your bank balance again!

Vic will use actual live demonstrations as he walks you through the finer points of network enumeration, vulnerability discovery and exploitation, password plundering, system access level boosting, data destruction, electronic banking, and covering one’s tracks.

Vic Vandal is his name, digital havoc is his game! From skateboards to keyboards and everything in between, Vic can manipulate, conjugate, and detonate his tactical skills (that pay the bills) to burn your eyes with visual napalm!

Trained in cyber-warfare by the United States armed forces (actually it was more vice-versa, but such details are unimportant), Vic is now a digital mercenary ready to unleash his diabolical digital deeds for the right price.

His objective? Communications! A modern day ENIAC, Vic makes, creates, and propagates the everyday analog into digital mayhem for the masses. A Wizard of Oz in his own private cyber-wonderland, he is on his way to taking over all global transmissions. All your base are belong to him!

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